Shiny Chrome Things
I'm sick of the "Fractal Reflections" look. How do I make realistic chrome? First let's think about why the Fractal Reflections image looks fake. The Reflection Image effect is also called Environment Mapping. That means it's supposed to simulate reflections of the Environment. If the Reflection Image looks a lot like the environment, the effect is very realistic. But Fractal Reflections looks kind of like clouds or smoke. It would only look real if the object were sitting in some, well, clouds or smoke! What happens if I don't have a reflection image that looks like my scene? You have two options. You can make your own reflection image, or you can use raytracing. Visit Eki's page for tips and tools for generating your own reflection maps. Image mapping is intended primarily to be a time-saver because it renders faster than raytracing. It's also used in rotoscoping (compositing animation with real footage) like in Terminator 2 when the shiny metal guy is running and you can see the background reflecting off him. For anything else, raytracing is far more realistic if you have the render time. Note that since LightWave 5.5, you can mix reflection images with your raytraced reflections. This can be used for more stylized reflection effects if you have a nice reflection image, or to combine raytracing with rotoscoping.
So what would a decent metal surface be?
DaggerBlade Surface:
DaggerPommel and DaggerHilt Surfaces:
DaggerHandle Surface:
The Scene: Remember this: If you want reflective objects to look real, you have to give them something to reflect!
Now go make some shiny things! - GLYPH |